Sunday, 7 October 2007

About DotProject - A Guide for a New Entrepreneur

by: Fat Jack

Project management is the most vital but often neglected aspect of your business. While the term project management conjures up the picture of complicated task---and surely it is---it can be managed with high level of efficiency if you know the tricks of the trade. In the software called dotProject you can find this trick----the key to your project management success.

Here is a short description of DotProject to help you understand what it is.

DotProject is a Web-based project management application. It is licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL), which means dotProject is free to use.

It comes with a modular structure and multilingual feature---- It is translated into 17 languages.

Its comprehensive feature list includes modules for companies, projects, tasks (with Gantt charts), forums, files, a calendar, contacts, tickets/helpdesk, user/module permissions, and themes.

Its modular architecture allows further addition of extra modules such as time sheets and inventory for enhanced functionalities.

Technology used in the software

The software uses the JavaScript and PHP as its Programming Language

It takes the Database support from MySQL.

DotProject can support your websites on an intranet, as well as on extranet environment.

How to install

DotProject is completely open source, and is supported by purely open source technologies. As such a Linux based web hosting service provider using PHP hosting and MySQL database management can add Dot Project in your web hosting control panel. Once installed, it will occupy not more than 2 MB size in your disc space.

As compared to its rival solutions, DotProject makes the BETTER CHOICE for two reasons:

1. A greater number of features
2. A more user-friendly interface.

So make sure to add the DotProject feature in your project management script and boost up your business with a flawless planning, smart execution and quality deliverance of tasks.

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What Management Membership Software Can Do For Your Subscription

by: Mario Churchill

Subscription is part of the entire member management package. You will hardly find management membership software that does not have functionality for managing membership subscriptions. Almost all of the management membership software available in the market caters to membership subscription management. Subscription is one of the most effective ways to syndicate your site, and it is also one of the most difficult to put up if you do not have the software to back it up. With people subscribed under you, there are infinite possibilities, You can send them newsletters, tell them of your promotions, rally for their support in certain endeavors and offer them products which can really benefit them and bring you income. With more people subscribed under you, other websites will also want to link up with you and this will further increase your affiliations online. This increases your exposure and makes you gain positive online presence and credibility, among many other things.

Minimal technical knowledge is needed when trying to make use of management membership software for subscription. All you need to do is to master the software and set the preferences you have for your subscribers and the software will do the rest of the work for you. This is what is most rewarding about having an effective management membership software: you will not work too hard for your subscription and you will still get very favorable working results and conditions. Some software can get very difficult and requires some technical learning of sorts in order for one to be able to use it. But thankfully, this is not the case for management membership software.

With the software for membership management you can also expect faster dissemination of subscriptions to your individual members. Whether it is a membership of thousands to millions, you will find that your software will be able to generate the needed subscriptions straight to the people you want to send it to. The software will also be able to alert you if email addresses by your members are valid. With an organized set of details, you will also find updating to be quicker than manually cutting and pasting them before forwarding to email addresses. Effective management of replies is almost always part of the whole package of managing subscriptions. Outgoing and incoming email messages will both be regulated accordingly.

This eventually leads to a very efficient management of people who will be subscribing. With this efficient system, you will also be bound to succeed in making your website well-visited and you will earn the loyalty that every movement or organization needs to survive. Since you will be able to effectively manage the people currently subscribed under you, they will continue to welcome their subscription mails and not feel out of the loop even for a short period of time because your software will ensure that all the news gets to all the concerned people in the shortest possible time.

The automated alerts for subscribers without causing hassle on your part is what you truly pay for when getting and installing a membership management software. It is part of a whole bunch of systems in managing your memberships which help keep your organization and website in top condition. If a membership site is being constantly promoted and gains a reputation for efficient management, you will find yourself with higher capacity to have more people subscribing under them.

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Creating Screen Capture Videos

by: Deepak Arora

One of the biggest new digital products on the market today is video instruction. Where just a few years ago, ebooks were looked at as the hottest commodity, that has changed. Ebooks still sell. Videos sell hotter and, if marketed well, can be sold for a much higher price.

Video instruction can refer to different things. You could have a video of yourself cooking a steak dinner and showing how to create a great barbecue for your guests. Just get your video camera, some conversion software (Windows Vista has it included as does Mac).

With increasing frequency, however, more videos are appearing that show how to do something using your computer. There are videos that show how to set up a website. There are videos that show how to use a piece of software. And so forth.

These videos are created by using software that captures what happens on your computer screen. The software can optionally capture your voice as well. And once captured, the software can also be used to annotate what is on-screen with text and animation that highlights important parts of the video.

To create screen capture videos, you need the right software. While TechSmith's Camtasia is the leader in the field, one of us uses a different (and far less expensive) product called AllCapture with great success.

You'll also want to plan what your video is about. Just because you can "wing it" doesn't mean you should. Here's a brief 5-step guide to get you started.

1 – Plan - Figure out what you want to say; what you want to show. Make notes and be sure that it makes sense.

2 - Run through the software yourself to perform the operations you intend to show. Speak as if you were actually instructing someone sitting next to you.

3 – Do several dry runs with your microphone on and the screen capture program running. You're going to want to make sure you select the right window size for your video, that you've got sound levels right, and that the software you're about to demo is set to the right window size as well.

4 - Play it back so you can see what your customers will see. Chances are your first few runs aren't going to be perfect. One of us finds himself hesitating too frequently in the initial recordings. This leads to stuttering, and so forth. A possible sign that insufficient planning went into the effort. Or it could just be that one gains familiarity with the subject matter by running through it a few times.

5 – Once you've got the video the way you want to distribute it, you now need to convert it to a format that your customers will be able to use. There are usually several format choices, including those for Windows Media Player™, RealPlayer™ and Flash™. Of these, Flash has the greatest popularity for online screen capture products. Both Camtasia and AllCapture produce videos in all three formats.

Related resources:
For Camtasia - techsmith(dot)com
For AllCapture – balesio(dot)com

©2007, by Deepak Arora and Bal Simon

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Getting Free Photoshop Tutorials

by: Mario Churchill

The Photoshop software is truly a big deal for most people. It pays to have this program in your computer in order to manipulate your pictures as your desire. With this at hand, you can be sure that you get to improve those digital images you have taken even before they get printed. This is more reason for you to give away beautiful pictures to friends and relatives.

However, it is not enough that you have the Photoshop program installed in your computer. It is a must that you have a basic knowledge in Photoshop so you can do the things that you want. As such it is very important to get a Photoshop tutorial.

There are options such as to hire a tutor or enrol in program where you can learn Photoshop skills. You can also choose to buy books that will teach you the aspects of the program. These are options that are open to you. However, it may even be a better choice for you to get a free Photoshop tutorial. Here, you get to learn a new skill without having to spend the extra money in your pocket.

The Free Photoshop Tutorial

There are many ways for you to get a free Photoshop tutorial. Be sure that you get to use these options because it sure is a good thing to save your extra money instead. If you can have something for free, then just grab it and make the most out of it.

Ask a Friend for Help in the Photoshop

Some people are fortunate enough to have friends and relatives who are skilled in the Photoshop application. If you happen to have a friend of your own, then ask him or her to teach you basic Photoshop. This is a good way to get the free Photoshop tutorial. You can even use that extra time of learning as a bonding activity.

Explore the Photoshop Program

If it happens that you cannot access any friend to give the tutorials, you can explore the Photoshop program. The manufacturers do provide basic tutorials with the installation. You can easily check the options for the basic tutorials. This can explain to you how certain commands work and when to use them. You can read on the instructions and the step-by-step processes. There are also editions in the Photoshop software that can actually give tutorial using visuals. You will definitely enjoy viewing how a project is developed.

Download Files Online

You can also get free Photoshop tutorials online. There are numerous web sites that will give help for free. You can access the tutorial in PDF format and see the instructions. You can also browse through the sites to find the discussion on a particular topic. You may even love the options of seeing the tutorial in video format.

Ask for Assistance Online

The manufacturer can provide an option for you to get help online. However, you may find it even amazing to explore the different discussion boards and forums where other Photoshop users converge. This can be an opportunity to get free Photoshop tutorials from them. You can post your question and you can expect the other users to give you the advice you need.


Get your free Photoshop tutorials and learn the basic skills needed to operate the program. This way, you can turn out your nice images into fabulous pictures.

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